Saturday, December 26, 2009


Well, we survived Christmas and I am looking forward to a new year.. There are so many things I plan for the upcoming year. You just never know what lies ahead!
We went to Jessica's on Christmas Eve and had brunch and opened gifts. Everyone happened to be off work and since Danny worked Christmas Day we celebrated early. It was so much fun to watch Griff and Halle Grace open gifts this year. Griff will be two in January so this year he was so cute opening gifts! He would open one and say"WOW" or " oh look!" Halle Grace would just as soon to have played with the ribbon and paper but she sure made some cute pictures. This was her first Christmas and we had to catch some good pictures.
On Christmas morning Danny worked so I got up and went to see Carson and Griff's Santa stash. They both had so much fun and were excited! Naturally Carson was glued to his Wii trying out some of his new games. Griff was playing for a few minutes with each gift and throwing it down to look at something else. I left there and went to Michael and Jessica's and played with Halle Grace!
Noah,Nick, Marshall, Danna and Jerry were on the go to so many different places. They also went to Mississippi to Jerry's aunts so we will actually be getting together with them tomorrow after church. Those boys get so much as they have so many people buying for them.
Danny's mom has breast cancer (which has spread to her spine and brain) so Christmas was very sad for her. She did not feel up to visiting or doing anything with the grandkds this year. She really is having a tough time right now and I pray for her to not hurt so much and for the family to be at peace over making difficult decisions. I am suppose to take her to her orthopedics doctor on Monday. She also has chemo on Wed.and I sure hope she feels better and is strong enough for her appointments this week. It is going to be a tough time for everyone as she lives alone and she does not want to give in and leave her home.
I enjoyed visiting with some classmates last week. We plan to have another get together soon and hopefully even more can attend. It is so hard to imagine that I have been out of school so long. We all had fun and many stories from school were exchanged.
I love Facebook and seeing everyone Christmas pictures. Being "old" (per my grandkids..) I refused for years to get on facebook. However once I did - I am amazed at how many classmates and friends I have reconnected with!It is fun to see pictures and keep up with friends children and what is going on in their lives.

I am still in constant pain from my fall three weeks ago. My knee is still so very swollen and I am in constant pain. I hurt my arm, head, finger, leg and knee. I realize I am so fortunate it was not much worse (considering I fell about 10 feet to the cement garage) I had 6 stitches on my head and oh how much worse it could have been. I have concluded my climbing in attics is all over. I really think this is the worst accident I have ever had and being that I am 51 I am blessed. If I don't see a very big improvement by next week I am going to break down and go back to the doctor to see if I have messed up something in my leg. Hopefully it will start improving but it sure has been a slow go with it so far... I have tried to keep it elevated, heat on it and taken Ibuprofen for the past4 days but had very little relief.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!
Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. - Colossians 3:13

Saturday, December 19, 2009


It is beginning to look alot like Christmas! All of the kids are super excited as they get a long break from school to celebrate Christmas. Tomorrow we are going to my nieces for our first family get together and I am excited. There will be close to twenty of us which includes two additions from last Christmas. The kids are so cute and will be fun to get them together.
I know I am wrong and I really try to do better but for me Christmas just isn't what it use to be. I do love getting everyone together and try so hard to help create traditions and memories for the grandkids. Our house burned a few years ago two days before Christmas and since then I have not even put up a big Christmas tree. That year all of my gifts were smoked and ruined, my tree was burned up and I spent Christmas in the Jamison Inn. We stayed there for almost a week and in a bed and breakfast until Easter week-end while our house was redone. It still makes me sick if I allow myself to think about it and I choose to try to block it out pretty much. I do realize how fortunate we were and how much worse things could have been. And I do thank God nothing tragic happened form that but it still makes me sick when I think about it... Despite this I am looking forward to family and friends and try to slow down long enough to be thankful for the true meaning of Christmas.
Monday I am having lunch with 10-12 people I graduated with and look forward to this visit. It will be short and everyone will have things to do afterwards but I am thankful to still have contact with several classmates.. Gosh I am getting old!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well, I am really behind as usual... My blog is suppose to just be my place to benefit my family and true friends on what is going on in my life. One of my friends granny kept a diary for years..... It was more of a journal but she wrote in it daily and kept it beside her phone. She would put everything from the weather, birthdays, Dr appts, and Bible verses... Her family treasures those journals and when she died they did not fight over her valuables but enjoyed dividing her journals. She was a wonderful person and I would only hope my family had such memories of me.
I am again behind on what has been going on in my life. I hopefully will update again soon but for now.. just to let you know I am still alive (Thank you God!!)
My greatest treasures are my grandkids and I have enjoyed them so much in the last few weeks. Last night I had Griff and tonight Nick is spending the night. Today I had Marshall and Noah as well. I also took my mother in law to have her chemo treatment in Decatur and to another appointment. From a day of smiles and happy memories with grandkids to a sad surrounding of sick, drained cancer patients. Each one with his/her own story and all I could do was listen and talk to them.
Tomorrow I am going to Carson's Christmas party at school and he is so excited! They will be out of school for over two weeks and it seems like a long break to him right now. However it will swiftly pass him by.. just as life does.
This year has flown and I thank God for another year... Hopefully I will catch up soon...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving week!

Wow -has this year not flown by?? My week-end started out fun... Friday I went shopping then brought Griff home with me for a few hours..Saturday we took Halle Grace to get her first Santa picture made.. she was not afraid at all! After Santa picture we went and got pictures of Carson, Griff and Halle Grace together! Griff would not smile at all but hopefully we will get a few good shots from it.. : (
After pictures we all went and ate then I came home. A few hours later I began breaking out it hives all over! Itching terribly and it gradually got worse.. Saturday night was a very long night.... with no sleep. Finally at 7 am I called Connie and got her to take me to the ER. (Danny left for work 3 AM) Connie is always there for me... poor thing-I have drug her through so many things.... Anyway- we were at ER for 3 hours ! They concluded what assumed they would- an allergic reaction to who knows what... Gave me a couple of shots, a prescription of steroids and I was on my way... It has been a miserable 3 days but tonight I can say I feel much better. I have had two nights of little sleep,alot of itching and benadryl... I just hope it never happens again and can't imagine what caused it....
Tonight I went and worked on our Relay For Life Christmas float.. We had 3 men who did our construction tonight and it should really turn out nice!! Relay For Life's theme now is celebrate more birthdays! The parade theme is The Reason For The Season... So we decided to make a huge birthday cake and put Relay theme on the side of it... and a sign that says "Jesus Is the Reason For the Season". Tomorrow I am going to paint the cake and do signs for it... We are also going to use the cake for our Relay For Life in April.
Thanksgiving is Thursday and we are all going to daddys for dinner. I have so much to be thankful for.. but mainly- my family, friends, and health. I thank God everyday for all of these....
Friday I am going to Auburn with my sister and family plus Jess, Michael and Halle Grace. It is suppose to turn cold but I know we will have a blast!!!
Hope everyone has a good,safe Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I have had an exciting two days! Jessica had a teachers conference in Nashville an Michael had to work do Danny and I have kept Halle Grace.. she is so funny and growing up much to fast.Halle is nine months old and doing some of the sweetest things. She can say several words but refuses to drink from a cup or feed herself. It is so funny! You can give her a sippy cup and she will lock those lips and refuse to drink from it. She can pick up the smallest little morsel she locates but refuses to put it in her mouth. She also will not drink juice! We have tried everything possible and she will not budge... I can tell she is going to be determined -so much like her mommy! Which Jessica was walking, and even talking in two or three word phrases at nine months! ( I know people laugh when I say she was talking good at nine months but I promise she was!!) Anyway- back to H.G. - she was such an angel for us...I was determined to have her drinking from her cup in these two days but H.G. had other ideas... I did teach her to patty cake and she cried for me which melts my heart! OH and one of the words she does say over and over -happens to be Nana! Melts my heart!!! Danny tried to teach her to say Pawpaw and we finally got her to say it a couple of times... she has his heart as well.... She may possibly be our last grandchild and I actually would like to keep her a baby for a long,long time.... AS Jessica said the other day- she read somewhere.... you never see a child start school with a bottle so we will not stress over the cup situation yet..!! : )
We took Danny's mom to have her port put in for her chemo. treatments. She then had her 2nd chemo treatment today. She has a long road ahead and it breaks my heart for her. Cancer is such a horrible disease and I so pray for a cure! I lost my mom when I was 23 and have lost so many friends and family members to it. Now my mother in law as well as my son in law; Jerry- his mom also has breast cancer. Prayers needed for them both...
Got a busy week-end and upcoming week ahead. Tomorrow I plan to go pick Griff up at daycare and bring to our house for a few hours.I miss the little stinker and seldom get to see him anymore... Saturday the kids are having Christmas pictures made. HG is also having Santa pictures -her first time to see Santa so it should be interesting! It doesn't matter if she cries I plan to purchase a picture of her seeing Santa for the first time!
Thanksgiving we will all go to my daddy's and then Friday is Iron Bowl- Alabama vs. Auburn... We are going to Auburn and I sure hope it isn't cold.... I also wish this game was Saturday instead of Friday- but oh well..... I am sure Bama will dominate but it still will be fun..
I am having problems with my pictures that I have downloaded - can't seem to load them to facebook or my blog... will work on it more soon...
Danny works at the airport and gets up in the mornings at 2 AM... I often find myself still up when he is leaving for work.... his days off are Wed. and Thursday -so tomorrow is his Monday.... So -goodnight.. going to hit the bed before he gets up to get ready fo his day....

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16

I have not blogged in awhile - life flies by so fast.... Here we are with November half over! When I was a child it seems all I wanted was to grow up and my mother use to tell me how I should enjoy being a kid and going to school. So funny- I told my girls the same thing and now find myself saying that to the grand kids....
I had a busy week-end. When I worked at fpmi I met some friends I now treasure. I worked there for almost seven years and alot of things happened in the seven years. I often trained new employees and one I trained was Ms. Courtney. Courtney was (And is) hilarious... She had met a guy and always referred to him as "my friend" Her friend- BJ was on a kidney donor list and took dialysis three times a week.Long story short- BJ finally got his call and had his transplant, he and Courtney became more than "friends" and this past Saturday they had a magical wedding.I was a hostess for their wedding and it was beautiful. I know Courtney's mom is looking down form heaven smiling that her little girl is so happy.
Today is November 16 and a birthday of one of my best friends from high school. She and I have so many good memories and she has such a good memory! I can barely remember yesterday but Sandra could probably remember what we both were wearing on any particular occasion. She was there for the birth of Jessica and always listened when I had a problem. I still have a couple of Christmas ornaments she made for the girls when they were young. I had a very strict daddy but Sandra's house is one place he let me go to often. Sandra and I have drifted apart several times in our lives but always seem to reconnect. I am proud to call San a friend and hope she has had an awesome birthday with many more to come!
Also yesterday we had a surprise 50th birthday party for my lifelong friend Anita... I made lots of pictures and will download those and add later.
Noah was sick today and out of school so he spent the day here with me. We watched TV, talked, laughed and hopefully he will be able to go back to school tomorrow.He and I have always had a special bond... I love him so much!! (as I do all of the 6 grand babies I am fortunate to have)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spare the Rod....

Do not hold back discipline from the child, although you strike him with the rod, he will not die. - Proverbs 23:13
Well the above was the scripture of the day for me and I had to share... How appropriate!
I will post a bit about discipline as it was a topic at my house yesterday. Everyone can offer free advise on how they discipline children (or as most people who are NOT parents can say what they would do if that was their child..Amazingly the people without children seem to usually think they could write a book on discipline)
I have two biological children and as children they were as different as day and night. One I could tell to do something and that pretty much was all it took- she would do it. While the other would always have to ask why and give a defensive reason as to why not... It is now somewhat of a joke as to how I honestly think I spanked her most everyday until she was in junior high -and now I realize it was to the point it obviously did not help ....
I have five grandsons and one granddaughter. The older boys range from 9 to 13 and I have been a big part in raising them all. I could count on my fingers the number of spankings I have given to all five of these boys.Not that they are perfect but they do know the limit and not to push it.
But the youngest boy (will be two in January) already reminds me so much of my oldest and I think his parents are going to have a long road ahead in the discipline department. He is much like my oldest- I think he will be defensive and probably smile and do whatever it was that got him in trouble once again. I sure hope he proves me wrong...

Times have changed! I just took a child development class and now they don't even recommend "time out" in day cares. They say timeout should only be to give a child time to calm down- not as a punishment.I am sorry but I feel children should be punished for inappropriate behavior. I would never even attempt to spank a child other than my grandchildren- but I also could not keep a child and not try to discipline them. All goes back to the Bible....

I was raised in a very strict home life. I still feel my dad was a bit to strict on us but I can promise he had our respect and we were well behaved. I often wish he had been the parent of my oldest daughter - I think she would have still been a handful for him.... (ha!)

We were made to all sit at the table together for dinner while daddy talked to mother about what happened at work that day. She would talk about what happened at home and we could chime in if we had something to add about our day. We ate whatever food mother had prepared and had to drink our milk before we finished our meal. To this day I hate milk- however I blame being made to clean my plate the reason I still feel I should eat it all -and am overweight! ha!!

On the bright side-in my case- the child who was the most rebellious,got the spankings daily and always seemed to be grounded turned out to be the most dependable, thoughtful person I know. She now teaches junior high school and I can promise has complete control of that class everyday. She is the mother of my youngest grandchild (and only girl) and heaven knows I hope her daughter has alot of her traits. But I still hope her strong will is not one of the traits she inherits.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Well only one week-end left in October! Where has this year gone? So much has happened in the past few months -some good, some bad. However I realize things could be much worse. And I do thank God for my blessings...
Last week Jessica was on fall break and I got to spend alot of time with her and Halle Grace. Friday we spent the whole day shopping and running errands. I am no longer much on shopping all day, however I enjoyed spending time with them both.

I have five grandsons and not a one of them enjoys spending the day shopping with me. Now if the day is about them and includes a movie, going to eat or a sports outing they would love to go, however, not shopping all day. It seems Halle Grace is going to be her mothers clone as so far she has been the perfect child when we are out and about shopping. She will go from store to store and so far never been a minutes trouble. I can not wait until she is a few years older as I have waited so long to shop and buy for a little girl~

Griffin has a stomach virus and I sure hope the rest of the family does not get it. Kristen has always been a germ free nut and has been going around with her germ-x and Lysol. I am the worlds worst to pick up a virus so I have stayed clear of them and plan to for a few days if possible.Poor Griff -he has been on liquids and meds for two days now. Kisses and prayers for him.

Back to October coming to an end - as everyone knows October is known for Breast Cancer Awareness month. My mother in law has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and I will be taking her on Tuesday back to the doctor to review her options as for treatments. Through facebook I have found one of my closest friends from high school is a breast cancer survivor and she and I have spoken about this a few times. As she stated - The patient is his or her own best advocate. I hope we make the right choices for treatment plans.
Also, last week my three oldest grandsons- Mamaw; found out she has breast cancer. She goes next week to discuss her options.Prayers going up for Wanda. She is the best Mamaw (next to me, of course.. he,hee)and those grandsons have really been upset over the thoughts of their world being out of sync with Mamaw being sick.
I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was only twenty three (and she was fifty) So many things that happen day to day- I have so many times wished my mother was here to be a part of.
I am very involved with American Cancer Society and would love to see a cure for cancer. Research has made it possible for many improvements in the past 25 years.

Noah and Nick finished their last travel league peewee football game today. Next year they will probably play Jr. High football. It is bittersweet that they are growing up so fast.
Kudoo's for Marshall as well- he got 2nd place last week in his cross country meet in Scottsboro.. Go Marsahll!
While I am mentioning all of the grandkids- let me add that Carson won first place out of the whole third grade in a pumpkin creating contest. Pumpkins were handed out to each child in the school and directions were for them to design a pumpkin and return it to school. Carson chose to make a penguin out of his and it ended up cute. Will ladd pictures soon. Carson is one of the shyest kids I have ever known and he said when they called his name out as a winner he was embarrassed... It really is amazing how different children can be!

Back to watching football and then reading my Sunday School lesson. It has been a "different" week for me and parts of it I really can't share on here. But my Sunday School lesson last week was one that I feel helped me through the week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

He who oppresses the poor to make more for himself or who gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. - Proverbs 22:16


Well, where has the week-end gone? Was a busy week-end as usual but ready to plunge into another week. Last week was fall break and it was either rainy or cold every day. I had boys almost every day and they had a blast playing together. I kept Griff out of daycare one day and he managed to stay on schedule (even took his long nap) He loves being with his big brother and constantly is hunting Carson!! Carson loves him so much too and I hope this bond only strengthens.
Jessica and Halle Grace spent two nights with us as Michael was working night shift and it is easier on her (and closer to her school) Halle is growing up - she is almost eight months old now- where has the time gone? I would love to keep her little as she may be the last baby in our family... (hopefully Jessica will have one more eventually)
Noah spent the night Thursday and we went to Huntsville and stayed with Carson on Friday. I took them to lunch and then they played on the Wii all afternoon. We had intended to all go to the Pumpkin Patch but it was sooooo cold- we decided against that. We picked Griff up from daycare and I took them to all pick out a pumpkin. Griff was precious and proudly picked his own little one. He was so excited and insisted on holding it while in his car seat all of the way home. I wish I had taken pictures but didn't even think till we got home. I did take a few pictures of the boys later and will post soon.
Jessica has fall break at her school this week and I think she is more excited than the boys were (when they were out last week) No doubt it will fly by too. I plan to go with her shopping today and look for a big girl car seat for HG. That carrier is to heavy with her in it now.
Noah and Nick play travel league football and Saturday was their last regular season game. We froze at the game and the boys played in the mud!!! ( Of course they liked that part of it) They won Saturday and will now get to go to the playoffs.
Marshall ran cross country Saturday in Scottsboro and actually placed 2nd overall.. Whooo -hooo.... Yea Marshall.... He was pumped up and excited as we all were!!
Danny gets up for work around 2 am and leaves at 3. Needless to say I was up this morning and now it is 5 am and I am going to try and nap for a about an hour.. We had planned to start back walking today so maybe one hour of sleep will help.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ah.. I have on excuse.. I have been such a slacker... I still read updates daily on other blogs.. but I just NEVER blog anymore. I would like to say I will do better but the truth is - I probably will not. Let me recap part of the past 2 months....
Carson's birthday was Sept. 2- we had his party at Space and Rocket Center.. fun,fun,fun... He had lots of friends and family attend and it was a hot day.

Nick and Noah are playing football and it has been a fun ear. Danny is helping coach the team and takes it wayyyyyyyyyy to serious....

Marshall is running cross country and his runs are usually on Saturday (same time as Noah and Nick's games) Of course everyone is going in different directions to take turns seeing them all.

Carson goes to his dads every other week now and we miss him terribly.

Griff loves his new daycare and is starting to talk in sentences and so much fun!He is so cute and has a funny personality..

Halle Grace started going to daycare in Guntersville and the place is awesome! However - since she started -every single week she has missed at least 1 or 2 days... She had a cold,, fever..always something.. Hopefully it will get better.
She is growing up so fast...

My friend Wanda had open heart surgery and they ended up doing triple bypass and they replaced a valve.Her heart in only functioning 20% and she needs our prayers. We have started going and walking in the mornings again at the soccer field/track.

My mother in law has breast cancer. She had surgery three weeks ago and will soon start both chemo and radiation. I have been helping take her back and forth to the doctors and it is going to be a long process I am afraid. Please pray for her and all of the family during this time. She lives by herself and it is going to be tough for awhile. The sad part- she had a mammogram back in January and was told everything was fine. She found this knot a few months back and by the time they did surgery it was advanced and in most of her lymph nodes. Her surgeon now says it had to have been there back in January but somehow got overlooked on the reading of her previous test. That all seems very freak but it is what it is and in God's hands..
October is breast cancer awareness month- so ladies please keep a check. You should always be your own advocate!! I lost my mom to breast cancer when she was only 50 and I am very active in ACS Relay For Life. This year my friend Judy and myself are co-chairs for the Survivors for our local Relay For Life. More to come on this soon.

Hopefully I wil update more often.. Will really try...

I am going to Memphis this week-end with Sydale and friends to a Beth Moore conference. I am excited and know it will be fun. The next few weeks alot is going on and I need this conference right now.

Love this fall weather.. HAPPY FALL YAWL..... and as Griff would say - tootles!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, summer is again rolling right along.. School here starts next week and busses back on the roads.. Life is short and slowly slipping by. We need to live daily to its fullest and make each moment count. Today is to be another busy day... I am keeping grandkids, have a church picnic tonight and several other things going on..'

Have a good day !
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. - Matthew 6:33

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Updates On Our Gang!

Well today was a "Griff day". I kept Griff at his house and he was an angel. He is 100% boy and can be as mean as a snake -but he is also one of the most loving little boys in the world. He got up early today and watched cartoons and then took a 2 hour nap. We went outside on a walk and had our "learning to talk" time. I have taught him to count to 5 and say so many things in the past few weeks. I love little ones and being able to teach them things is such a feeling. Griff starts back to daycare week after next and it is going to be sad for me. He lovessssssss staying with his Nana- although I know daycare will be good for him. I just wish I could be there too! ha...
Carson is with his dad this week and I miss him so much. Can't wait to see him when he gets back HOME!!
Noah and Nick have been practicing football for a couple of weeks now. This week they have practice 3 nights and are worn out from it. Only one more week before school starts so they all had better enjoy the next week. Hopefully I can take them all to do one last "fun" day before school starts.

Here is the daily verse that popped up.... It is really amazing how often each verse seems appropriate for things going on around me at the time.

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than he who is crooked though he be rich. - Proverbs 28:6

Will update soon !!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21...

For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God. - 2 Corinthians 4:15

Today is Danny's birthday..... the years are zooming by.. He had an eventful day _ I guess!! He worked in the yard and went to the boys football practice. Nothing he enjoys More than helping with whatever sports the kids are in at the time. Football season just around the corner....

Please pray for a very close friend of Noah and Nick's. His name is Matthew and he was in an auto accident yesterday. He was med flighted and has a fractured skull and lost his arm right below the elbow. Matthew is 13, played football and was on the wresting team and it is going to be a tough road for him. He is in good spirits and the boys talked to him today. Just breaks my heart for everyone involved as I know this will be a challenge for Matthew the rest of his life. But- like other things that have happened all around us- it could have been so much worse.

I kept Carson and Griff today and Jessica and Halle Grace came over for awhile. Griff is growing up so fast and talking non stop. He loves Carson so much and hugged and kissed on him alot today.

Tomorrow is a busy day with lots of things going on. Updates soon!
Continue to check for update on KateMcrae and pray for her and family. Kate begins her chemo treatments tomorrow.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. - Mark 11:25


We had such a blast on vacation -but back to the real world....
I have been busy with the grandkids (love my job!) and several other things going on.
Gotten hooked on silly "farm town" and just haven't posted.
Please continue to keep katemcrae in your prayers.. I can't even imagine what this family is going through. Her parents have such strong faith and it amazes me !

Nick stayed 3 days with us last week and I really enjoyed it. He came one day and just never was ready to go home.. Finally on Friday I told him we both needed a break.. Noah was here a couple of nights and I had Griff during the day. (and Halle Grace one day for a few hours) We had an awesome week and hopefully this week will be as much fun. Nick has already ask to come back for awhile. School will be starting soon so I guess we better enjoy these last few weeks.
My friend Connie and I went to a good friends birthday celebration at "The Melting Pot - BridgeStreet one night last week. I took a few pictures but haven't downloaded them yet. We had a great time and loved seeing old friends (not old in age- Ruth.. ha!) and catching up a bit.
Then last night I went to another birthday celebration for my favorite 15 year old! This girl I love to death and have known since she was a baby. Her older sister happens to be one of my very best (most dependable) friends in the world. I have enjoyed seeing miss K. grow up and I am proud of the young lady she is becoming!

Going to post a few beach pictures and hopefully will update later this week.

Life is good and God is good!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I am back!!

Well- due to comments by some people - I had decided not to "blog" -but you know- I have decided these people are not to control my life or make my decisions and I am going to do what makes ME happy.
Alot has gone on in the past few months - and I realize if I had blogged regularly I could have kept up with it myself... ha! I can barly remember what happened yesterday.. so by blogging my REAL friends and family can keep up. So- if my blog bothers anyone- they need to just stay off of it.. : )
I really need to just pray for people who don't understand and I am going to TRY to do that....
The way I actually got into "blogging" my true friends know.. And my reason to get back into it- lead me full circle to my reason I started it. I still daily check updates on my "blog" world and for days have had such a heavy heart for someone I have come to know through this. So today I ask special prayers for a special little girl and her family. Please spread the word and pray for Kate McRae... Please follow this link and read the journal (from the beginning)

This family is taking a path they sure never expected to. I so realize God IS in control and at any given moment could take any of our loved ones away from us. It doesn't matter how much money you put out there, how many lies you tell, how evil you can be .... God is more powerful and controls it all. It scares me so and makes me realize how much closer to him I need to be.
Kate's mom has an amazing amount of faith even during this difficult situation they are going through.
I am sorry if this blog has people wondering where I am coming from (or going) just keep checking back for updates.. : )
On another note- tomorrow my family is off for a 7 day beach trip. I can't wait to have some "down time" with the gang. And afterwards I will update with new pictures... Halle Grace and Griff have grown so much and changing daily. The older boys all are just growing up- but will post new pics soon!!!!!!!
Happy 4th of July and again please pray for Kate and visit caring bridge...
Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God. - Romans 15:5-7

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Well- I have been on a "blog vacation" it seems.. (Again) Alot going on and I just haven't taken the time to blog it seems.I have still checked in daily with my "blog friends" but haven't taken the time to write. I have gotten hooked on facebook games, been reading a book ( I seldom read) and working on Bible School things in what spare time I have. I have been keeping grandkids and been on the go!! This should be another busy week. It is the last week of school for Carson, Nick,Noah and Marshall.. as well as Jessica (who teaches!) I think she is more excited to be out than any of the boys are.
I am going to post a few pictures of some things that have been going on in the past week and a half.

Mother's Day-

One of my Mother's day gifts.... my favorite! It has all three of their handprints on it.... ahhhhhhhhhh.........

Keeping Halle Grace - she loovessssssss her blankets and will not sleep without them! (and I love this...)

This is just part of our morning walking group. We all try to go do something about once every couple of weeks. Last week we went to Wendy's and hung out by her pond/pool for awhile. Here are a few pictures. Her yard is so pretty- she works out in it alot.

Carson has been really sick with a viral infection. He went back to school for field day and here are a couple pictures from that also. They all had a fun morning!

My best friend Connie and her husband were going to a little thing with animals at it and invited me to take the boys last week. Danny was at work- (he misses alot of things with the kids!) Anyway- Griff loved the animals! Here are a couple pictures of him . (Carson was not crazy over this trip... He had rather have been playing his games.. ha!)

Sunday was Danny's family reunion and all of our kids got to go (which is unusual) We went to Sunday School since Danny was off (which is unusual too..) It was a rainy day but all of the kids had fun being together. Danny was thrilled to get to show off Griff and Halle Grace (since most of his cousins, aunts and uncles had never seen either of them)
After the reunion Danny and I took Carson and Noah with us to decoration where my grandparents are buried. Then on the way home we went by Pet Depot and to the Dairy Queen. Noah went to Kristen's for awhile to play with Carson and then they all came back to our house and played games. I had told the boys we would camp out in the tent possibly last night- but it was muddy and rainy so we put that on hold for a couple of weeks. They all have so much fun when they get together.
Today Danny took Marshall to a Memorial Day event in Guntersville, Kristen's family went to a BUGS event in Huntsville. I enjoyed a lazy day at home. Marshall came back and spent the day with us. Danny and Marshall watched movies and I read.Even though I am not working right now- I hate for the long week-end to end.
I have another busy week ahead. I am keeping Halle Grace a couple of days, going to a couple of events at the boys schools and going to walk some with the girls. A couple of the girls have taken jobs and it is sad to know we can't all be together. We have really enjoyed the time we have had.
Enjoy your week... Lots going on for me - keep us all in your prayers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well- it seems to have rained for 40 days or nights straight..... I am so ready for pretty, warm weather and no rain for awhile. The weather forecast looks promising for the next few days....

First of all- blogging can be addicting- although very few of my friends have I really gotten to love it as much as I do. I have several "blog friends" that even thought I don't daily post- I always check on their blog and get updates almost daily. It is addicting and you feel such a bond to these families and what they are going through. On a sad note-my heart broke as I learned this morning that baby Kayleigh went to Jesus last night after a courageous, but much too short, life. Please wrap your loving arms around this family as they mourn their amazing daughter's passing? I have read the blog on Kayleigh since she was born and it breaks my heart. But now this little angel will no longer hurt or have surgeries... she is in the arms of Jesus...

I had a good week-end. Friday I went and watched Special Olympics. Jessica teaches Special Ed. and I went and watched these kids. It was so touching to see them participate and the smiles on their faces.... I loved it! We should all slow down and not take things for granted! Here are just a couple of pics...

Sunday I had an awesome Mother's Day.Danny worked and then went to visit his mom -and I took Carson to church. After church we all met for lunch and I got to spend time with my girls and their families. They got me the sweetest gift - will post pictures of it (once I download em)

Saturday was one of my very best friends ( Connie) birthday - she turned 50! We had her a little birthday party, meal... Connie is one of those friends who I can honestly say I could call on at any time- and she would come running. I value her friendship more than she can EVER know. And I hope we are both around along time.

I got up this morning and went and picked up Carson and Griff and took them to school/daycare. I went and walked with my "walking buds" and since I am up and out anyway- sometimes decide to go get the boys and take them- such an extra touch to start my day!

Going to meet Michael is another hour to get Halle Grace for the afternoon. I hope she doesn't have "a colicky" day and look forward to seeing the little miss.

Opps.. forgot to mention- last Thursday I had the kids and took them to the park. Jessica met me and picked up HG- but had to include a picture of her from earlier...

Noah and Nick have a ballgame tonight-hopefully they will win- or at least play good... Updates soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another week has flown by.........

Well, it is already Thursday and where has the week gone?
Last night I took Carson to church and I went to my Bible Study. We had an awesome study and as tired as I was before going- I was glad I went.
Today I kept Halle Grace again. I went and met Jessica at the school where she teaches and took her back home with me. She had an awesome day and I was sooooo glad! The day seemed to fly by and it was soon time to take her back to her mommy. I went and picked up both Carson and Griff and I took all 3 little ones to the walking trail in Guntersville. (Which is right in front of the school) Jessica has a short meeting after school so we sat at the picnic tables till she got out. After she left I took the boys to the playground and we also fed the ducks and went down to the lake for awhile. It has rained so much and was so muddy but we had a good time. Carson begged to take them back one day soon so they can play even longer.
I made a few pictures but haven't downloaded them yet - hopefully I can add them soon.
Tomorrow Jessica has Special Olympics and I plan to go and watch and possibly help them out some. If I could do anything it would be to work with kids with disabilities ( or maybe St. Judes) Anyway- Jessica teaches Special Ed. and is very passionate about her job and students. I have always taken an interest in this and look forward to Special Olympics tomorrow. I plan to make pictures and will update hopefully over the week-end.
I have another busy week-end and hope it finally is sunny again.
Carson has missed church for 2 weeks and ask me yesterday- if I was sure he would finally get to go back to church and how many more days. It makes me happy to know he loves it so- and I hope he continues to look forward to church.

Proverbs 22:6 (King James Version)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I know I don't have alot of control over things but I do feel I will never regret taking him to church. When HG and Griff get older I hope I have the opportunity to have them involved in church and I hope they enjoy it as much as Carson does now.

Oh and tonight my nephew, Corey graduated (again) He will officially be a Physical Therapist and has worked so hard to achieve this goal. I am so proud of him and know he is ready to finally start getting paid for the work he does! Corey and Lindsey have the new baby (Myles) and Lindsey is a PTA ( Physical Therapy Assistant) She will be going back to work soon also- but hopefully only part time.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is my first time to do the "Not Me Monday" and I doubt I do it often but here are a few for today.

Jessica did not have to go to work this morning and I did not get up and drive to meet her and pick up Halle Grace. I didn't then go pick up Carson and take him to school...
Then H.G. did not have her "tummy issues" and cry probably 3 hours today.. Then I didn't load her up- go pick up Carson from school, take Carson to the orthodonist, go pick up Griff -and bring them all 3 home. Danny and I didn't swap up bouncing H.G. while the other played with Griff on the swing set. And I didn't make Carson do 3 pages of homework, feed the boys McDonald's, give them all 3 a bath before Kristen got home at 6 pm.
And I am sure not going to be glad when HG outgrows this "colic" No- not me.....
Poor, poor baby (and poor, poor parents!) I really did not almost cry several times today just because Halle Grace was.
Jessica did not seem to call 6 times to check on the baby today and everytime she called- the baby didn't happen to be crying at the top of her lungs.... She wasn't upset that she had to work today- and I sure wasn't wishing she wasn't working today!!!! Nah......
And No- I am not wondering why in the world I am glad I am not working now so I can watch the grandkids more...
I am not glad it is time to go to bed and I am sure not worn out from a busy day.. NO- not me!!!
Oh but I am sure not so in love with this "colicky" baby - and Mr. Carson and Griff. And I sure don't wonder how I ever lived before they came along..... Nah........
( But- oh I didn't just tell Kristen today to please consider having her tubes tied.. ha!) Nah- not me... : )

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Oh I have decided I am not good at "blogging" ! I just can't seem to find the time (or make the time) for updates.... I would say I plan to do better but I realize it probably will not happen.
Went Friday with Carson on his field trip to Constitution Hall Park- it was fun...and I am glad I was able to go. Here are a couple of pictures from the day...

Jessica was here over the week-end (Michael worked) and I kept Griff Saturday night. (Kristen and Josh went out for her birthday which is tomorrow) Griff was precious and Miss Halle Grace slept all night! She has actually slept all night for almost an entire week and we are hoping it continues.

Monday night Noah and Nick had a baseball game and Jessica and Michael(and Halle Grace) went and watched them play. Their ball team is undefeated right now and I think we are enjoying the games as much as the boys are. I forgot to take any pictures but hopefully I will next game.

Tuesday was really warm and I went and bought Griff a little swimming pool. He is only 15 months old so his first year to really enjoy one and I couldn't wait to see him play. Of course Carson jumped right in and played wit him and I think had about as much fun.

Today we had our follow up meeting for Relay For Life and I am excited to say we raised $162,389.00 so far this year!!! We still have several teams with outstanding money so we hope to end up with over $165,000.00. It amazes me how great our small community does each year. Hopefully one day due to our Relay dollars cancer will be a disease of the past. Our meeting today was to finish up alot of task and of course- start planning for 2010!!! Lots of changes for the coming year and we were all fired up and excited!!

As I said already- tomorrow is Kristen's birthday.... Hard to imagine- she will be 28 years old. My mother died(with cancer) when Kristen was only 2 months old. Kristen I am proud of you and what a good mother you are to the boys. I am so glad God has let me live to see them grow up thus far.Happy Birthday Kristen and I hope you have many more to come.

Friday Jessica is gong back to work- and I know she is dreading it so much! She teaches school -so it will only be for a few weeks that she has to work (until next fall) But keep Jessica in your prayers as it is going to be hard to leave Miss Halle Grace. I am going to be keeping her on the days Michael can not. I am excited to get to see her change and grow up too.I am sure I will have more pictures soon...

Oh and almost forgot to add.. Baby Stellan had his surgery in Boston and did great. There were a few issues and it didn't go exactly as hoped -but so far he is better and got to go home yesterday. Check out their blog for updates...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Relay For Life -2009!

Relay was huge - will give details in a later post.... Right now I am still tired and not caught up on my sleep!
I am going to post a few pictures and more details to come later...
Thanks to everyone who helped make this a huge success!!

Carson and myself- preparing bags with sand- for luminaria -

One of my best friends and co-worker on Relay Committee. Judy is also a cancer survivor and another reason I relay!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, the weeks just seem to fly.....
Today I went and walked (2 miles) with my "walking girls" We meet @ 7:30 every morning (at least part of us on any given day) I enjoy my walks now and heaven knows I need it. Usually we will go eat breakfast afterwards (which is probably the reason I have not lost even a lb. since we started walking...) ha!

Tuesday I worked with the other members of our Relay For Life Committee - it was Bank Day- when all of our Relay teams turned in money and we gave them their team t-shirts, team captain packets and prizes. It was alot of work but we were so excited. Our Marshall North has already reached over $100,000 for ACS!!! With the economy we were happy with the current total and can't wait to see the final results.We are all hoping for a great Relay Friday and pray the weather is nice.
I picked up Carson and Griff today and we played outside for a good while. Griff is getting to the most fun age! He tries to repeat everything we say or do and it is precious. He is a loving little boy and so very funny! I met Kristen at church- she picked up Griff and saw Carson for awhile before Carson and I went to church.After church I took Carson home (Griff was already sleeping away)
I just checked my "blog friends" for updates and baby Stellan is off to Boston. Check on his link and please pray for them. The doctors in Boston hopefully will make the best choices for Stellan's care. Stellan's mom also posted Psalm 107. It was the perfect verse for his situation but amazingly -it seemed to be something Ineeded for the things going on in my daily life as well.... : )

Psalm 107:28-30

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
and He brought them out of their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed.

They were glad when it grew calm,
and He guided them to their desired haven.

( I look forward to the calm....) But when you see what others are having to deal with each day- it makes you see how "petty" our problems really are.

Oh- also- my husband is the biggest procrastinator in the world... I have ask him for weeks when he planned to get our taxes filled out. He finally did that yesterday and we had to pay almost $900.00 today ( ugh) Since I am not working I guess next year we will not have to pay at least......


Carson hunting eggs on Easter

Halle Grace's first Easter.


They did not want to get their pictures made!

I love Easter and got to spend the day with most of my family.

Today I kept Halle Grace and she seems to be a bit better ( the colic) The Dr. has changed her medicine again and so far it seems to have helped some. Friday Michael was on call and had to go to work so Carson and I went with Jessica to get Halle Grace's shots. Jessica said Friday night she was really ill but Sunday she was much better. (Although she wasn't real happy in some of her pictures)

Tomorrow is our last night to wait tables with proceeds going to Relay For Life. Hopefully we will do good. We had our yard sale on Saturday and made over 300 dollars. That puts our team over a thousand dollars and I am proud of that.

Continue to keep baby Stellan in your prayers - check out their blog for updates.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday night I worked all afternoon (and most of the night) on the survivor dinner for Relay For Life. It was alot of work but a huge success! We had over 200 people to attend the ceremony and almost ran out of places to seat people. It is a night we recognize cancer survivors. We have guest speakers and give away lots of door prizes. ( And a wonderful meal is provided - this year compliments of Outback Steak house.) Alot of preparation goes into this event but it is well worth it.

Tonight I took Carson to church - they had an Easter party and he had a great time.

This week-end we plan to have our rescheduled yard sale for Relay For Life. Yard sales are so much work but hopefully it will end up being worth the trouble and we will make more money for Relay.

The following article was on

April Proclaimed
Relay For Life Month

Mayor Gary Beam signs proclamation declaring April as American Cancer Society Relay For Life Month in Arab as members of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life looked on. In the picture was - Mayor Beam, Sherry Willis, Susan Varano, Tawanna Vickers, Janette Murphree, Kelly Harper, Judy Walker, Pam Duncan, and Natalie Burke
As part of the activities leading up to the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life scheduled for April 17, Arab Mayor Gary Beam recently proclaimed April as Relay For Life Month in Arab. The Relay event will take place at the Arab Soccer Complex and will begin at 7 pm.

Having lost my mom to cancer when I was only twenty three years old I am passionate about American Cancer Society and hope their is a cure one day for cancer. I hope my grandchildren one day can tell their kids- what cancer USE to be. I hate that my children did not have their grandmother around when they were growing up. Some grandparents don't take the time (or care) to be close to their grandchildren -while others don't have the opportunity. I hope my children live to see their grandchildren and do not have that robbed from them due to cancer.

As for grandchildren.... here is the latest pictures of Miss Halle Grace.... of course - I love these.. ....
The tights are alittle big - but precious!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter week- day 2

The rich and the poor have a common bond, the LORD is the maker of them all. - Proverbs 22:2

I tried to get a few pictures over the week-end of the 3 grandkids together.. hopefully pictures will turn out better in months/years to come. I still would like to share one..... : ) You can tell Griff was more interested in eating the Easter eggs ( shell and all) and Halle Grace was not at all thrilled about any of it.

Also- here is the first picture I have made of Halle Grace - looking like a "big" girl. She is 8 weeks old in the picture and growing up so fast... I love having a little girl around..

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter week!

Kristen and Josh sold their house and moved over the week-end so I kept the boys. Griff has not really spent the night alot with us but he did great this week-end! He has always been great about sleeping but usually when he is here he wakes up several times not knowing where he is. He is 14 months old and usually goes to bed about 7:30 -8:00 and sleeps till around 6 AM. But since his routine was out of whack- we ended up staying up until around 9 or 9:30. He loves me to rock him and sing to him; which I love. Of course, Carson is here alot and helps me out when Griff is here. Carson is a great big brother.
Also- Saturday Jessica and Halle Grace came and spent the afternoon with us. I tried to make some pictures of the 3 little ones but it didn't work to good. Halle Grace has colic and poor thing- cried alot. She is 8 weeks old now so I hope and pray she outgrows this soon!! She goes back on Friday for her check -up. She eats good and is growing so fast. I am posting a picture of her that we made probably a week or so ago.

I did get a few pictures on Jessica's camera Saturday. She plans to download them tomorrow so I hopefully can post a couple later this week. Carson, Griff and I colored Easter eggs Saturday morning and I had to make a few pictures of all three of the kids with the finished products! Carson will be with his dad this week-end so I went ahead and let them color eggs Saturday. Of course we will end up hiding eggs probably a hundred times! Jessica was kidding Carson as to how 3 years ago - she thinks he had us hiding eggs up until the end of summer. We loved it though and it makes me sad that he is growing up so much. I am sure he will continue for years to hide eggs for his cousins and brother but in a few years he will think he is to big for it.

I have another busy week planned and I seriously wonder how I ever accomplished much when I worked!

I took Carson to church today and we both really enjoyed it. At church today our Sunday school teacher pointed out something that I thought about alot. There are so many people who attend church only on Easter. I really have never understood why- but I know it is true. It use to be everyone got new clothes on Easter and it seemed to mark the beginning of spring. But how many actually think of the true meaning of Easter? I had an article that included this :

The highlights behind the Easter story include Jesus' execution, His burial and, most importantly, His rising from death.

The account of Jesus' rising from death was recorded in the most authoritative historical records, the Gospel books: Three days after His death, a few women first found His tomb empty. Then Jesus appeared in front of these women and His disciples, talking and eating with them. Out of doubts still, one disciple did not believe Jesus was alive again until he actually touched Jesus' fatal wounds. In the following forty days, hundreds of people witnessed this Jesus who had returned from death until He ascended to Heaven.

Before His death, Jesus had promised eternal life to those who followed Him. If the story ended at His death, Jesus would have been no more than a religious figure with a finite life span. But the fact the Jesus rose from death demonstrated He has the power over death, and only through Him can people have hope for eternal life. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

As a child I looked forward to Easter. I loved getting my new Easter dress and shoes and to the Easter egg hunts at church and at school. It is so sad- now schools no longer get to celebrate Easter or hunt eggs. Ad although most still do have Christmas parties I doubt most get to teach the real meaning of Christmas. I realize alot of these kids have no idea the reason we celebrate Easter or Christmas.

Oh update on baby Stellan - he is again having episodes of SVT and the Drs. are all trying to decide what the next move will be. Right now they are tossing around differnt options of other places they may send him to get the best care of the most experienced doctors for Stellans situation. Please continue to check Stellan's updates and pray for this family.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sweet babies...

Well- miss Halle Grace is spending the night with me... : ) Jessica has to go to work in the morning (and Michael is working tonight) so Jessica and H.G. are spending the night with us. She is sleeping so sound as I post this....

Tonight I went to Bible School training - it isn't until the 3rd week of June but we had our training tonight. However, June will be here before we know it. I am helping with 4th grade this year and hope it turns out to be a good group.

I went and walked with my friends this morning. It has been raining or someone has had something going on for the past few days - so I have missed them (and my walking!) Since I will have Halle Grace tomorrow I will not meet them but maybe next week we can get back on track.

Stil watching the roller coaster ride with Baby Stellan... breaks my heart... : (

Well- going to watch this sweet baby sleep. Hopefully will get new pictures of her tomorrow...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Myles birthday.....

Yea.. my sister finally gets to experience being a grandmother! My nephew Corey and his wife Lindsey are the proud new parents of Myles Conrad Henderson! She was due last week and was to be induced tomorrow -but thankfully she went into labor last night (late) and had the little one this morning ( 8:35 a.m.) Needless to say- they were up all night and being a Sunday I am sure they have been swarmed with visitors. So I am holding off on my first visit. Since I am not working now- once they get home I will go visit and hold the little one. He looks so tiny - (since both Griff and Halle Grace weighed 8 lb 8 oz... ) Myles weighed 6 lb. 9 oz.

My sister (who is 5 years older I must add.. ha!) is going to be the very best grandmother ( besides me-of course..) She so deserves to finally have grandkids. She has spoiled my oldest (Carson) for 8 years and Griff for a year and Halle Grace for her 7 weeks( already) Carson is going to be a bit jealous since he is the only one old enough to appreciate the things Deb has done for him. She always sends cards (and cash...) on Easter, Valentines -and at Christmas it is like another trip from Santa.

Carson is a big Auburn fan and since the entire Henderson clan are Auburn graduates- they go to all the home games. Usually Carson and myself go to at least one game with them every year. I am fortunate she is my sister and always there for us. And I can't wait for her to get to enjoy Myles! (and hopefully soooooooon Ashely will have a baby too! hint/hint Ash!)

Halle Grace is still fussy and has a bad case of colic. Pray for Jessica and Michael as they feel so helpless. Poor baby- she went back to the Dr. on Thursday and they have increased her medicines. I just think time will be all that takes care of it-but it is very frustrating- when you can't do a thing to seem to calm her.
Jessica is going back to school this week ( to give SATS to her students) and so I get to keep Halle Grace 3 days at least. Michael is going to be working his night shift part of the time so I hope Jess will just spend the night with us.

Griff spent Friday night with us and was the sweetest thing! He is 14 months old now and does the funniest things.Wish I had made some pictures as Kristen took him on Saturday for a first haircut.

Today Danny went to church with me. He got a week-end off and was glad to get to go to Sunday school and church service. Hopefully one day he will get Sundays off work and can attend regularly as he really enjoyed the Sunday School class.

Continue to pray for baby Stellan. Such a sad story....