Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The past week seems to have flown by! I have kept the grandkids, went places with friends and family and enjoyed another week of unemployment. I don't know how I accomplished anything when I worked... and dread the day I have to go back to work.. : (
Tonight we made $256.00 waiting tables - and the money will all go to ACS- Relay For Life. We are suppose to also have a yard sale on Saturday; but per the weather man- it should be raining.Hopefully we will be able to have it and make more money for Relay.
Speaking of yard sales... so much work for so little money. It is just more trouble than it is worth in my opinion. Jessica and Kristen had a yard sale this past Saturday and really made a pretty good bit of money. To me it was not worth all of the hours put in it in preparation for it. I helped mostly by watching the kids for them. But on Sunday after church I helped load all of the leftovers up and taking to storage (with plans to donate the remains to the yard sale for Relay this week-end) When we got to the storage building - Jessica broke the key off in the lock! We go back to Kristen's and Josh said he would go with me to take the last load of things to storage. Carson is playing with the leftover things and putting yard sale stickers on everything imaginable... Well- Josh and I go and unload the other load of leftovers. I go to Dollar Store and get a cheap lock for the building (as on Monday I could get a good lock from the storage rental place) Anyway- I also needed a purple shirt and decided to run in Cato's. Looked around for maybe 10 minutes and see a lady I use to work with. She hugs me and ask what is on my back.... well- only a sticker that says MAKE OFFER..... Thanks to Carson and his yard sale stickers....! ha!! And I have worn this sticker in 2 stores..... Oh well- needless to say - Carson got a laugh out of it.
As for the reason for me needing a purple shirt- tomorrow I have a busy day planned.
Several American Cancer Society -ACS CAN volunteers are going to Montgomery..
to -
Demonstrate the Power of Relay and Advocacy To the Alabama Legislature

Relay Rally Day

In Support of Smoke-free Legislation

Alabama State House, 11 South Union Street

We plan to visit all House members at the State House-State Capitol.
It is suppose to rain tomorrow but maybe it will hold off.

Please continue to pray for Stellan and family - McMamma amazes me! Please read her blog updates. Here is just the first couple of paragraphs from it(today), but it is so awesome and true!

To Him be the glory

God answers prayers. Just not always in the way or in the time frame we want. God answers prayers, but the outcome we hope for, and beseech God for, is not always the outcome God has in mind.

God hears our prayers. But God still does what He, in His sovereignty, is going to do. He listens to our prayers, hears us each and every time we speak to Him, think to Him, or even groan to Him. God is affected by our prayers and He wants us to pray

Well, going to get some sleep. I know I have a long day planned for tomorrow.

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