Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ah.. I have on excuse.. I have been such a slacker... I still read updates daily on other blogs.. but I just NEVER blog anymore. I would like to say I will do better but the truth is - I probably will not. Let me recap part of the past 2 months....
Carson's birthday was Sept. 2- we had his party at Space and Rocket Center.. fun,fun,fun... He had lots of friends and family attend and it was a hot day.

Nick and Noah are playing football and it has been a fun ear. Danny is helping coach the team and takes it wayyyyyyyyyy to serious....

Marshall is running cross country and his runs are usually on Saturday (same time as Noah and Nick's games) Of course everyone is going in different directions to take turns seeing them all.

Carson goes to his dads every other week now and we miss him terribly.

Griff loves his new daycare and is starting to talk in sentences and so much fun!He is so cute and has a funny personality..

Halle Grace started going to daycare in Guntersville and the place is awesome! However - since she started -every single week she has missed at least 1 or 2 days... She had a cold,, fever..always something.. Hopefully it will get better.
She is growing up so fast...

My friend Wanda had open heart surgery and they ended up doing triple bypass and they replaced a valve.Her heart in only functioning 20% and she needs our prayers. We have started going and walking in the mornings again at the soccer field/track.

My mother in law has breast cancer. She had surgery three weeks ago and will soon start both chemo and radiation. I have been helping take her back and forth to the doctors and it is going to be a long process I am afraid. Please pray for her and all of the family during this time. She lives by herself and it is going to be tough for awhile. The sad part- she had a mammogram back in January and was told everything was fine. She found this knot a few months back and by the time they did surgery it was advanced and in most of her lymph nodes. Her surgeon now says it had to have been there back in January but somehow got overlooked on the reading of her previous test. That all seems very freak but it is what it is and in God's hands..
October is breast cancer awareness month- so ladies please keep a check. You should always be your own advocate!! I lost my mom to breast cancer when she was only 50 and I am very active in ACS Relay For Life. This year my friend Judy and myself are co-chairs for the Survivors for our local Relay For Life. More to come on this soon.

Hopefully I wil update more often.. Will really try...

I am going to Memphis this week-end with Sydale and friends to a Beth Moore conference. I am excited and know it will be fun. The next few weeks alot is going on and I need this conference right now.

Love this fall weather.. HAPPY FALL YAWL..... and as Griff would say - tootles!

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