Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well- it seems to have rained for 40 days or nights straight..... I am so ready for pretty, warm weather and no rain for awhile. The weather forecast looks promising for the next few days....

First of all- blogging can be addicting- although very few of my friends have I really gotten to love it as much as I do. I have several "blog friends" that even thought I don't daily post- I always check on their blog and get updates almost daily. It is addicting and you feel such a bond to these families and what they are going through. On a sad note-my heart broke as I learned this morning that baby Kayleigh went to Jesus last night after a courageous, but much too short, life. Please wrap your loving arms around this family as they mourn their amazing daughter's passing? I have read the blog on Kayleigh since she was born and it breaks my heart. But now this little angel will no longer hurt or have surgeries... she is in the arms of Jesus...

I had a good week-end. Friday I went and watched Special Olympics. Jessica teaches Special Ed. and I went and watched these kids. It was so touching to see them participate and the smiles on their faces.... I loved it! We should all slow down and not take things for granted! Here are just a couple of pics...

Sunday I had an awesome Mother's Day.Danny worked and then went to visit his mom -and I took Carson to church. After church we all met for lunch and I got to spend time with my girls and their families. They got me the sweetest gift - will post pictures of it (once I download em)

Saturday was one of my very best friends ( Connie) birthday - she turned 50! We had her a little birthday party, meal... Connie is one of those friends who I can honestly say I could call on at any time- and she would come running. I value her friendship more than she can EVER know. And I hope we are both around along time.

I got up this morning and went and picked up Carson and Griff and took them to school/daycare. I went and walked with my "walking buds" and since I am up and out anyway- sometimes decide to go get the boys and take them- such an extra touch to start my day!

Going to meet Michael is another hour to get Halle Grace for the afternoon. I hope she doesn't have "a colicky" day and look forward to seeing the little miss.

Opps.. forgot to mention- last Thursday I had the kids and took them to the park. Jessica met me and picked up HG- but had to include a picture of her from earlier...

Noah and Nick have a ballgame tonight-hopefully they will win- or at least play good... Updates soon.

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