Monday, March 2, 2009


Well- the week-end flew by and I am sure this week will as well.
Friday night Jessica came up around 9 PM and spent the night with me. Halle Grace had not been doing good at night (fussy- wouldn't sleep)Michael works swing shift and had to work the week-end. I let Jess get a good nights sleep and I slept in the room with Halle Grace. She was precious and I loved every minute of it. Saturday Jessica and I went to watch Carson in the AMT play and Kristen kept Halle Grace while we were gone.
By the way- the musical was awesome and everyone in it did a great job. Every year I think it has to be the best- but this one was great! Another example of Arab schools and as much as people "cut" the "hick" school- Arab sure produces some educated- motivated individuals. (And I am proud to be from Arab)
My nephew (Corey) and wife (Lindsey) are expecting this month and we are all super excited. Can't wait to meet Myles! Now Griff and Halle Grace will have a new cousin around their age. This will be my sisters first grandbaby and lucky Deb. .will get to keep Myles!! Yesterday was Lindseys baby shower and Jess, Kristen and myself had planned for weeks to go to the shower. Well, the weather didn't cooperate and we missed the shower! : ( I am hoping we can get up this week-end to take gifts - and we hope Myles gets here soon!! Hopefully - Ashely will be next and also have us a little one to enjoy!! (hint/hint Ash!)
Back to work today but tomorrow is my last day at my current job. It is kinda sad- as I have worked with many of these friends for 6 years (at this company) We have enjoyed the past few weeks,as we all knew tomorrow would be here soon. The past 6 years so much has happened in the lives of those close to me. I love many of you and will truly miss you!!! But we do plan to stay in touch....
I am not sure what lies in store for me- but for the next few months I plan to enjoy my grand kids and live day by day.

It is a small world after all!!!

(by the way.. the above picture was made in December--- Disney World... Jessica was 7 months pregnant with Halle Grace - and enjoyed a day in the Magic Kingdom with Carson and Griff)

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