Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sweet babies...

Well- miss Halle Grace is spending the night with me... : ) Jessica has to go to work in the morning (and Michael is working tonight) so Jessica and H.G. are spending the night with us. She is sleeping so sound as I post this....

Tonight I went to Bible School training - it isn't until the 3rd week of June but we had our training tonight. However, June will be here before we know it. I am helping with 4th grade this year and hope it turns out to be a good group.

I went and walked with my friends this morning. It has been raining or someone has had something going on for the past few days - so I have missed them (and my walking!) Since I will have Halle Grace tomorrow I will not meet them but maybe next week we can get back on track.

Stil watching the roller coaster ride with Baby Stellan... breaks my heart... : (

Well- going to watch this sweet baby sleep. Hopefully will get new pictures of her tomorrow...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Myles birthday.....

Yea.. my sister finally gets to experience being a grandmother! My nephew Corey and his wife Lindsey are the proud new parents of Myles Conrad Henderson! She was due last week and was to be induced tomorrow -but thankfully she went into labor last night (late) and had the little one this morning ( 8:35 a.m.) Needless to say- they were up all night and being a Sunday I am sure they have been swarmed with visitors. So I am holding off on my first visit. Since I am not working now- once they get home I will go visit and hold the little one. He looks so tiny - (since both Griff and Halle Grace weighed 8 lb 8 oz... ) Myles weighed 6 lb. 9 oz.

My sister (who is 5 years older I must add.. ha!) is going to be the very best grandmother ( besides me-of course..) She so deserves to finally have grandkids. She has spoiled my oldest (Carson) for 8 years and Griff for a year and Halle Grace for her 7 weeks( already) Carson is going to be a bit jealous since he is the only one old enough to appreciate the things Deb has done for him. She always sends cards (and cash...) on Easter, Valentines -and at Christmas it is like another trip from Santa.

Carson is a big Auburn fan and since the entire Henderson clan are Auburn graduates- they go to all the home games. Usually Carson and myself go to at least one game with them every year. I am fortunate she is my sister and always there for us. And I can't wait for her to get to enjoy Myles! (and hopefully soooooooon Ashely will have a baby too! hint/hint Ash!)

Halle Grace is still fussy and has a bad case of colic. Pray for Jessica and Michael as they feel so helpless. Poor baby- she went back to the Dr. on Thursday and they have increased her medicines. I just think time will be all that takes care of it-but it is very frustrating- when you can't do a thing to seem to calm her.
Jessica is going back to school this week ( to give SATS to her students) and so I get to keep Halle Grace 3 days at least. Michael is going to be working his night shift part of the time so I hope Jess will just spend the night with us.

Griff spent Friday night with us and was the sweetest thing! He is 14 months old now and does the funniest things.Wish I had made some pictures as Kristen took him on Saturday for a first haircut.

Today Danny went to church with me. He got a week-end off and was glad to get to go to Sunday school and church service. Hopefully one day he will get Sundays off work and can attend regularly as he really enjoyed the Sunday School class.

Continue to pray for baby Stellan. Such a sad story....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well, yesterday was fun! I went with a couple of other ACS volunteers to Montgomery to urge state legislators to pass a comprehensive statewide smoke-free workplace during the 2009 legislative session. It ended up raining some and we didn't get to relay like planned but we did visit with House Representatives Frank McDaniel and Jeff McLaughlin. They both were supportive and did say they planned to vote for the bill. I was impressed there were so many teenagers who were also there in support of this bill getting passed.
It rained most of the way home yesterday but we did manage to take time to stop at Peach Park for ice cream... (yummy)
After I got home I picked up Carson and we made it to church. He had a great time and I was sad it was the final night of our study on Esther. Carson spent the night and I took him to school this morning. They are practicing for SAT's all week and he has felt like on vacation as he has not had homework.
Kristen and Josh sold their house and I am very sad about it. I dread the things that are going to take place with this decision they have made. I love them all dearly and wish they would stay close to us. God is in control!
It is suppose to rain again this week-end and I wish it would hold off (at least on Saturday morning) We are suppose to have our Relay For Life yard sale -if it rains we will try again next Saturday. Also- Saturday night is BUNKO - I always enjoy the night out with the girls.
I picked Griff and Carson up this afternoon and played with Griff for over an hour in his room. (Carson was playing on his Wii) Griff is the most fun age right now to me. So sweet and innocent.
Jessica changed Halle Grace's formula again as she has been so fussy and ill. I sure hope it helps and she can start resting much better. We have got to get some updated pictures of her- hard to imagine she will be 7 weeks old Saturday.They grow up so very fast..
I am still daily (several times a day actually) checking for updates on baby Stellan. It breaks my heart for this little one and family. Please continue to pray for them all.Here is a picture of sweet baby Stellan.. poor little thing-

Blogging is so addicting. I feel like I know them all personally as I have followed their blog since she was pregnant with this angel.
Since I am not working- I seem to find myself staying up late and getting nothing much accomplished. I am so thankful for this time though. I really am enjoying being off work right now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The past week seems to have flown by! I have kept the grandkids, went places with friends and family and enjoyed another week of unemployment. I don't know how I accomplished anything when I worked... and dread the day I have to go back to work.. : (
Tonight we made $256.00 waiting tables - and the money will all go to ACS- Relay For Life. We are suppose to also have a yard sale on Saturday; but per the weather man- it should be raining.Hopefully we will be able to have it and make more money for Relay.
Speaking of yard sales... so much work for so little money. It is just more trouble than it is worth in my opinion. Jessica and Kristen had a yard sale this past Saturday and really made a pretty good bit of money. To me it was not worth all of the hours put in it in preparation for it. I helped mostly by watching the kids for them. But on Sunday after church I helped load all of the leftovers up and taking to storage (with plans to donate the remains to the yard sale for Relay this week-end) When we got to the storage building - Jessica broke the key off in the lock! We go back to Kristen's and Josh said he would go with me to take the last load of things to storage. Carson is playing with the leftover things and putting yard sale stickers on everything imaginable... Well- Josh and I go and unload the other load of leftovers. I go to Dollar Store and get a cheap lock for the building (as on Monday I could get a good lock from the storage rental place) Anyway- I also needed a purple shirt and decided to run in Cato's. Looked around for maybe 10 minutes and see a lady I use to work with. She hugs me and ask what is on my back.... well- only a sticker that says MAKE OFFER..... Thanks to Carson and his yard sale stickers....! ha!! And I have worn this sticker in 2 stores..... Oh well- needless to say - Carson got a laugh out of it.
As for the reason for me needing a purple shirt- tomorrow I have a busy day planned.
Several American Cancer Society -ACS CAN volunteers are going to Montgomery..
to -
Demonstrate the Power of Relay and Advocacy To the Alabama Legislature

Relay Rally Day

In Support of Smoke-free Legislation

Alabama State House, 11 South Union Street

We plan to visit all House members at the State House-State Capitol.
It is suppose to rain tomorrow but maybe it will hold off.

Please continue to pray for Stellan and family - McMamma amazes me! Please read her blog updates. Here is just the first couple of paragraphs from it(today), but it is so awesome and true!

To Him be the glory

God answers prayers. Just not always in the way or in the time frame we want. God answers prayers, but the outcome we hope for, and beseech God for, is not always the outcome God has in mind.

God hears our prayers. But God still does what He, in His sovereignty, is going to do. He listens to our prayers, hears us each and every time we speak to Him, think to Him, or even groan to Him. God is affected by our prayers and He wants us to pray

Well, going to get some sleep. I know I have a long day planned for tomorrow.


Got tons to catch up on and not sure when I will be able to... I have followed this blog for close to 9 months and wanted to ask everyone to please check it out and pray -pray-pray for this family and baby Stellan.
Here is the blog -http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ It would be hard to catch up on the history of Stellan but read what you can and keep them in your prayers...
I will try to update my last week soon. But I have been following Stellan's issues and it makes my little problems seem so silly.
For now- going to get ready and go try to make more money for Relay For Life!! We will be waiting tables tonight with all tips going to Relay.Will update soon ( I hope)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Well I started my day off by going and walking. It was such a pretty day and I am excited.. spring is around the corner!!!

Tonight several of us waited tables at one of my best friends restaurant and all of the tips went to our Relay For life team. We were not real busy but managed to bring in $271.35!!!! We plan to do this again next Tuesday night and one other night in April. We also plan to have a yard sale in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we can raise close to a thousand dollars before Relay night.

Tomorrow is suppose to be another pretty day. I am going to try to make myself get out of bed and go walk with the girls again. I have to take Carson to get his hair cut and then tomorrow night I have my Beth Moore class ( on Esther) Only 2 more weeks and I have enjoyed this study so much.

Oh today was St. Patricks Day and I did not wear any green or eat corned beef or cabbage.. ha!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Well today started out raining and we didn't go walk this morning. Hopefully we can get started again tomorrow on that.
Danny was off work today but went to the Dr. - he has had this yucky cold - sinus crud for a month it seems. He is off tomorrow too but I have an idea he will not be over being sick. Today was his 3rd trip to the Dr. with this- and he is sick of being sick...
Carson is out of school this week and spent the night with us. I have a busy week and so does he- so I knew if we got to do anything it needed to be today. I wish spring break was a little later in the year. It is just to cold right now to get out and enjoy it. I did take Carson to a movie. Last night we got online and he picked Hotel For Dogs...

It really was a cute movie and we both enjoyed it. Of course we had to have popcorn and then stop and eat a late lunch on the way home. We went and picked Griff up and played with him a couple of hours before Josh and Kristen got home.

Jessica had an eye Dr. appointment today and Michael was off work and kept Halle Grace. She is growing up so fast!

Yesterday I completed my entire weeks Beth Moore study. It was so good this week and I just couldn't put it down. We only have 2 more weeks and I hate for it to end. I have really enjoyed this study and hopefully we will do another when this one is finished.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

lazy day

Well - I have been slacking as far as blogging goes. I have another busy week planned so I thought I would try to catch up on what has been going on the past few days. Last week I got to spend alot of time with my family and friends which is what I had rather do than about anything!!!
I went to the soccer field and walked 2 miles a day 3 days last week. (YEA for me - and very surprising!) I know this is something I need to do so bad and give kuddos to my friends - Gina, Deb, Tamara and SS for encouraging me.. : ) Hopefully I can go at least 3 days again this week as well.
I kept Halle Grace ,Griff and Carson all at different times this week. Carson is out of school this week and I have told him I would take him to the movies one day.
Tuesday night our Relay For Life team will be waiting tables at Son's restaurant and all tips will go to Relay For Life.
Here is the link to my personal page -

Only 33 more days till Marshall North Relay and I will be busy between now and then getting geared up for Relay. We have so much to do to get ready for this night and I love it!!!

Hopefully I will do better this week with updates. I sure hope the weather is nice this week - I am sooooooo ready for spring!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spend the night company..........

Well, first of all- guess who is spending the night with me tonight??? Halle Grace!!!
Jessica has an eye Dr. appointment in the morning and has to go to her classroom to do some things- so I ask if they would let priss just spend the night and she agreed!
Right now I have her in her bouncy seat -here in the computer room and she is sleeping away. I had to make a picture of her first night to spend away from home..
(this was made right before she fell asleep)

She was a month old on Saturday and is really changing so much. She stays awake much longer now and usually sleeps longer (at a time) too.

The week-end has been so nice- and I am ready for spring!! Carson and I got out in the yard for awhile today and it made me think about warm weather. Pretty soon the flowers will be blooming and everything turning green again. I loveeeeeeeee spring!!

Noah and Nick are playing baseball and practice starts this week. I enjoy baseball season. Carson and Marshall aren't playing this year but I have an idea Griff will be a ball player. One of his favorite things right now- is any kind of ball. He says "ball" and throws it ( over and over)

On Friday I went with 11 of my friends eat to lunch in Madison. We had all worked together and had a great time visiting. We didn't get to visit long enough and hope to plan another "lunch date" soon. I miss so many of my friends and do hope we can stay close. Several of us have been meeting and walking early in the mornings at the walking trail. It is an open invitation and whoever can make it each morning -shows up. Tomorrow I will be having some Halle Grace time but hope to join them again on Tuesday morning.

Since I have not been working I have so far stayed so busy! I don't know how I did it all when working... and it looks like this will be another busy week~
(so much for my to do list when I was not working..ha!)

Hope everyone has a good week....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Worrying Puts Your Focus in the Wrong Direction-
When we keep our eyes focused on God, we remember his love for us and we realize we truly have nothing to worry about. God has a wonderful plan for our lives, and part of that plan includes taking care of us. Even in the difficult times, when it seems like God doesn't care, we can put our trust in the Lord and focus on his kingdom. God will take care of our every need.

My favorite verse : Matthew 6:25
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Today was my last day of work and also a sad day for me. One of my greatest faults is how I worry and how easy I get upset. I do pray about it but somehow- I just can't seem to help it. It is easy to look back and see your many faults,regrets and to wish you could change things in your past. Life slowly slips by and suddenly you open your eyes and are old! (hmmm..... )
Please pray for me to worry less..... I really wish I had a tougher heart, didn't care so much for things I can't control. : )

Monday, March 2, 2009


Well- the week-end flew by and I am sure this week will as well.
Friday night Jessica came up around 9 PM and spent the night with me. Halle Grace had not been doing good at night (fussy- wouldn't sleep)Michael works swing shift and had to work the week-end. I let Jess get a good nights sleep and I slept in the room with Halle Grace. She was precious and I loved every minute of it. Saturday Jessica and I went to watch Carson in the AMT play and Kristen kept Halle Grace while we were gone.
By the way- the musical was awesome and everyone in it did a great job. Every year I think it has to be the best- but this one was great! Another example of Arab schools and as much as people "cut" the "hick" school- Arab sure produces some educated- motivated individuals. (And I am proud to be from Arab)
My nephew (Corey) and wife (Lindsey) are expecting this month and we are all super excited. Can't wait to meet Myles! Now Griff and Halle Grace will have a new cousin around their age. This will be my sisters first grandbaby and lucky Deb. .will get to keep Myles!! Yesterday was Lindseys baby shower and Jess, Kristen and myself had planned for weeks to go to the shower. Well, the weather didn't cooperate and we missed the shower! : ( I am hoping we can get up this week-end to take gifts - and we hope Myles gets here soon!! Hopefully - Ashely will be next and also have us a little one to enjoy!! (hint/hint Ash!)
Back to work today but tomorrow is my last day at my current job. It is kinda sad- as I have worked with many of these friends for 6 years (at this company) We have enjoyed the past few weeks,as we all knew tomorrow would be here soon. The past 6 years so much has happened in the lives of those close to me. I love many of you and will truly miss you!!! But we do plan to stay in touch....
I am not sure what lies in store for me- but for the next few months I plan to enjoy my grand kids and live day by day.

It is a small world after all!!!

(by the way.. the above picture was made in December--- Disney World... Jessica was 7 months pregnant with Halle Grace - and enjoyed a day in the Magic Kingdom with Carson and Griff)