Monday, February 16, 2009


WOW! I have really been busy and slacking on my updates...
Last week was a tiring week and really made me realize how OLD I am getting.
Last week- I celebrated with the new baby-Halle Grace. She is a joy and changing daily. I had a virus for 12 hours -and felt so bad....... Then Carson and Kristen also got a virus. Friday at work it seemed everyone had a sore throat, a cold or some yucky bug. Friday I went home and went to bed and stayed in bed all day Saturday. Sunday morning I felt some better and Carson and I went to church. After church I went to see Halle Grace (and -oh yes- Jessica and Michael too.. ha!)It seems all she does is sleep right now. After I left I went by to see Griff and Carson. Griff just turned one and yet after seeing Halle -Griff looks so huge! It shows how fast they do grow up.
Today I finally did some laundry and cleaned alittle. Jess and Michael came up and took HG to get her first pictures made. She was not happy during pictures and I doubt they are to good- but can't wait to see them. Carson and I went with them to get them made- then we all went by Carson's -Mimi's to show off Halle Grace.
Back to work tomorrow and hopefully I will do better with updating "my blog"
I am looking forward to Wed. night -my Beth Moore bible study. It is going to be another busy week - but everyone who knows me- knows every week is like that "in my world"
Oh- and I almost forgot - tomorrow night- several of us are working at my friends restaurant- and we will be waiting tables!! This should be eventful... as I am sure no waitress... but -all tips will go to our Relay For Life team. We plan to do this once a month up until Relay (April) - I love Relay For Life and hope we do good!

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